Only a sufficient extra depth of measured data will allow a reliable interpretation one way or the other.
Interestingly, the historically most frequently used array, dipole-dipole, provides the least penetration of the commonly-used resistivity arrays.
The more expensive and complicated pole-dipole survey array's field data provide the deepest-penetrating (and highest-signal) measurements,
and so pole-dipole is often used for deep targets and in difficult conditions such as conductive cover.
Pole-dipole array depths are shown below, left.
But even pole-dipole depth of penetration is poor when compared to that of E-SCAN's fundamental pole-pole array data, as seen below, right.
Use your understanding of data depth sampling from this website to make sure your planned array is sized and spaced to give you a
reasonable opportunity for fully resolving anomalies at your intended depths. Processing is only as good as the field data set you supply.
Different collinear survey arrays provide different penetration characteristics. A contractor's choice of array may favor operational
simplicity (profitability) at the expense of optimum coverage depth. You might be convinced that with your budget limitations, that's
better than nothing. If you are going to consider a compromise, at least understand what you are compromising,- what you get and what
you don't get as a result of your choices in proceeding with a certain approach. With understanding, you may find yourself either
finding more budget to do it right, or postponing the whole exercise rather than do a half-job and risk more money on a poorly-targeted
drilling follow-up.
Generally, field data need to be acquired from depths not just down to expected target levels, but to twice that depth.
You need plenty of hard-data observations below the target levels in order to properly constrain the geometry of a buried anomaly.
Data that just reach an anomalous mass could be sampling a discrete local anomaly (of interest) or they could be sampling the top
of a regional scale lithologic unit (not of interest).
If after investigating all aspects, dipole-dipole array survey seems to fit your requirements, lucky you:
you will employ the fastest, lowest cost survey technique while remaining comfortable that you have not cut corners nor spent too much for
your specific application or test line.
CSAMT: Choose the highest power system available to maximize quality and strength of signal, and don't skimp on station spacing - more
data from more sites improves the chances of accurate deeper feature resolution, especially when surface variations impact individual station data.
Use a square grid station layout to minimize directional bias... avoid widely spaced lines that will fail to unambiguously resolve cross-breaking
structure delineation, unless you don't care about cross-breaking possibilities and are interested only in tracking the distant extension of a known
linear structure (2D). Cover the area of interest, plus some... so you can properly recognize anomalous patterns in context.
More equally-distributed stations = more cost = more objective results, less ambiguous earth models,
fewer drilling misses. (LARGER IMAGE)
Try this: lay out your area of specific exploration target interest, then ask your contractor for a discount
on adding 2 or 3 extra stations or lines on all sides, for context, at a steep discount in price. Or ask for an extension, at cash cost, over the
adjacent known orebody mineralization, to generate a local signature example. If you can, offer to release survey results later for a case history,
in return. There is a sense of fairness in this - you get a better model context, the industry gets a valuable look at strategy and results, and the
contractor retains his core area profit while receiving a promotional opportunity for the future. Premier Geophysics has done this often over the
years, in developing and proving 3D E-SCAN.
With the extra penetration and signal levels of a pole-dipole survey, you can push the array to greater "n"
spacings, approaching n=10 or more, before running out of signal. In some cases, this could be equivalent to 50% greater depth sampling than a
dipole-dipole survey, without having to increase dipole size and without losing shallower details.
For all but very shallow targets, choose a DC resistivity survey array that provides the extra signal and depth performance that is needed to
extend your raw data sampling to depths approaching double that of the desired final exploration imaging. That means choosing pole-dipole over
the dipole-dipole array, or pole-pole over anything else.
For a survey approach that optimizes depth of investigation in balance with the other four issues on
this page, consider using pole-pole... 3D E-SCAN style.
What usually limits depth penetration is signal strength. As you measure progressively deeper, signal strength falls off until a point is
reached where signal
can not be discriminated from ambient electrical noise. When signal fails, you need to increase transmitted current
levels to boost the signal, or to expand a measurement dipole in order to sample a larger potential difference.
There are operational limits to both approaches.
Of the two commonly-used conventional survey arrays, dipole-dipole has the worst signal performance. For a given effective penetration,
a pole-dipole array measurement will have 20 times the signal of the dipole-dipole array, using the same current input.
So for deeper measurements, pole-dipole has two advantages over dipole-dipole: greater effective depth (per unit of array length along surface)
and greater signal strength.
Pole-pole array data have always outperformed both of the other arrays, but (until E-SCAN) pole-pole has
seen little commercial application due to operating inefficiencies. For the same effective penetration and current input, pole-pole signal can
be 100 times greater than dipole-dipole, and 20 times greater than pole-dipole. That large advantage brings major practical operating advantages,
especially in conductive cover regimes where signal loss (diversion) is an issue.
DC resistivity: If you have been using the dipole-dipole array for line surveys, look into pole-dipole. For a given dipole length (same
survey grid), you get better penetration with higher signal, more information content in each measurement, and reduced exposure to bad-data
impacts from compromised electrode stations. You pay more, it's more complicated to run, uses more wire, and heavier equipment is involved.
The results may be worth it, but it requires a case-by-case evaluation. If you can deal with a contractor who offers both arrays, you may get
less-biased recommendations for your evaluation.
For ultimate depth capability, pole-pole can be done by any crew capable of pole-dipole surveys, given extra wire supplies and budget.
However, by the time a competently-dense (but still unidirectional and sparse data) pole-pole survey has been paid for, you probably could
have contracted 3D E-SCAN's pole-pole and resolved the several remaining critical issues that accompany depth considerations: - multi-directional
(true 3D) data, greater data density, uniform distribution, noise- and error-tolerance.