Underground mines.
For 3D E-SCAN, operating minesites present no impediment
to full 3D capture of the in-context ore setting signature.

Operating mines, whether open pit or underground, usually involve a lot of surface installations that a survey must cope with. The inherent flexibility of layout of the 3D E-SCAN system makes sure that none of this impedes acquisition of the needed full-resolution 3D raw data set. From a data quality and utility standpoint, only a high density, multi-directional intensively-overlapping data set like that of 3D E-SCAN has the inherent capability of verifying individual data quality, while detecting and removing distorted data. The remaining data set is still sufficient for full 3D inversion processing.

The Giant Yellowknife mine had both elements of risk - plenty of sources of survey data distortion at surface, and a program of twice-daily electrically-controlled underground development blasting. See the case history on this site for details on how these aspects were safely managed so that mine production remained uninterrupted.

Toodoggone District, BC: 3D E-SCAN survey conducted on the Lawyers Property of Cheni Mines, in the Toodoggone District of British Columbia, involved working over the operating underground AGB mine, and later over underground drift development in the Cliff Creek area. While neither used electrically-controlled blasting, both presented risks to survey personnel at surface during blasts. The 3D E-SCAN crew capability always includes extra radios for coordination with clients, and in this case mine management advised the survey crew of blasting times by radio, and secured their confirmation of crew evacuation before each blast.

Athabaska Basin, Saskatchewan: 3D E-SCAN survey was conducted over an operating underground uranium mine, at a time when there was no development blasting scheduled, and therefore no unusual risks involved.

In general, there are no reasons why 3D E-SCAN should not be employed to obtain a true 3D signature of any known mineralization setting, for use in further exploration in similar conditions. All technical and risk issues that are traditionally associated with ongoing mining activity are either adequately managed or do not exist for the E-SCAN technology.